Myth 1. Вed sores occur if you sleep on the same side for a long time.
This myth is often heard, but it is not entirely accurate. In fact, bed sores do not occur because a person is used to sleeping on one side, but because of constant pressure on certain areas of the body, which leads to damage to the subcutaneous tissues. Such pressure in most cases occurs when sitting or lying in the same position all the time, without changing the body position. This condition usually develops in people who are unable to change their body position on their own, such as people lying in bed or in a wheelchair. To prevent bed sores, it is important to regularly change positions, maintain skin hygiene, and ensure proper nutrition.
Myth 2: Existing bed sores cannot be cured.
The myth that bed sores cannot be cured once they have already occurred is incorrect. In fact, bed sores can and should be treated at all stages, even when they have already formed. It is important to remember that this is not only a skin problem, but also a problem of blood circulation and tissue nutrition, so treatment depends on the stage of the bed sores. At the early stages, when the skin is just reddening, it is very important to periodically change body position to reduce pressure on the affected area. It is also useful to start taking Gold Omega 3. These fatty acids improve blood circulation, providing better access to oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas. In more severe stages, therapeutic ointments, gels (such as Thrombophob Gel) and special dressings are used. If the bed sores become too visible, surgical treatment or other specialized methods may be required. But the main point is the timeliness of treatment. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of complete healing without serious consequences.
Myth 3: Exercise is contraindicated when pressure sores are present.
In reality, physical activity is not always prohibited when pressure sores are present, and in many cases, it can even be beneficial if certain precautions are followed. After the initial stage of treatment and stabilization of the condition, light exercises aimed at improving circulation and maintaining overall physical fitness can be helpful. For example, stretching, arm exercises, or light gymnastics can enhance blood circulation, promote tissue regeneration, and maintain muscle activity. However, before starting any physical activity with pressure sores, it is essential to consult with a doctor or physiotherapist to determine the appropriate level of activity and avoid complications.
Myth 4. Only massages help to overcome pressure sores.
This myth is quite common, but it is not entirely accurate. Massages can be helpful, but they are not the only and most effective way to treat pressure sores. The treatment of pressure sores requires a comprehensive approach, which includes not only massages but also essential medical measures such as proper wound care, regular position changes, and adequate nutrition. Massage can be beneficial in the later stages of treatment to reduce swelling and improve circulation, but on its own, it cannot heal pressure sores. It is also important to remember that massages should be performed carefully and under the supervision of a doctor or physical therapist, as improper massage techniques on damaged areas of skin can lead to further injury.