
4 tips for gastrointestinal health

If after each meal you feel heaviness in the stomach, suffer from constipation, flatulence and complain of being overweight, you should consult a gastroenterologist and take drugs such as Bekunis and Colofac.

Also, you should start eating a healthy diet. Do not follow strict diets, but a balanced diet. It is believed that a healthy diet is difficult. But this is not so. Here are some simple nutrition tips to help you normalize your digestion.

Tip 1. Distinguish between appetite and hunger. Eat only when you are hungry.

Hunger is a signal that you need food for your body to function properly.

Appetite is your habit. It can be determined by various circumstances – the onset of a certain time of day (“lunch at 13:00”), the smell or type of food (when you see a cake or pizza), etc.

Appetite can often be accompanied by a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, depression, general weakness. But the basis is a psychological reason. And if you feel weak, it does not mean that your body is exhausted.

Unlike appetite, hunger is a real need for food, based on the physiology of the human body. Appetite is the desire for food, which is the result of the interaction of various external factors.

A good example: for lunch you ate soup, oatmeal and fruit. And then you ate a delicious sweet roll, and eating it was caused by appetite, not hunger.

And remember – the best time to eat – from 11 to 14 and from 16 to 20.

Tip 2: Drink water instead of food.

In the morning, half an hour before the first meal, you should drink at least a glass of warm water. You can add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water. Also, during the day, try to drink at least a liter of water, and preferably more (not tea and coffee, namely water), it will help digestion, cleanse the body and reduce hunger.

Tip 3. Do not drink while eating.

Studies have shown that the fluid, being in the stomach for an average of 10 minutes and moving further along the digestive tract, impairs the secretion of gastric juice needed for digestion. The result is indigestion. Therefore, doctors recommend not drinking water / tea / coffee immediately after eating.

Solution: It is better to drink water 15 minutes before eating, 30 minutes after eating fruits and vegetables, 120 minutes after eating potatoes, 180 minutes after eating meat.

It should be noted that both cold and hot drinks slow down and interfere with digestion. Therefore, it is better to drink a little warm water (30 – 40 degrees).

Tip 4: Don’t force yourself to eat when you’re sick.

Remember how you felt when you had a fever (38-39 degrees)? Did you want to eat then? As a rule, a person does not want to eat when he has a fever. So if you get sick or something hurts, don’t force yourself to eat. It is not in vain that the body refuses to eat at these moments – it retains all its strength to fight the disease. And food will take away the opportunity to do so. In this regard, dogs and cats are much smarter than humans – when they are sick, they just lie down and wait until their body copes with the disease.