
5 natural ways to reduce uric acid levels in gout

  1. Include barley in your diet.

This beneficial grain is used for kidney cleansing and preventing kidney dysfunction. Note that barley is not medicine but just a supplement alongside other methods to support optimal kidney function. One way to consume it-is using whole barley flour instead of refined flour. It is also observed, that regular barley consumption not only slows toxin accumulation in the kidneys but also helps to reduce uric acid levels in gout.

  1. Adding onions to the diet.

Bulb, leek, shallot — any type of onion contains beneficial substances that dissolve uric acid crystals. At high levels of it, doctors recommend cooking it as a decoction, making onion soup or broth, sautéing, serving as a thick sauce with other dishes. During a gout attack, it is recommended using at least 2 large onions per day.

  1. Limit Purine Intake.

Disruptions in purine metabolism lead to the accumulation of uric acid in various organs and tissues, primarily in the joints. These joints tend to become inflamed, characterized by redness, swelling, and intense pain, a condition known as a gout attack. Major sources of purines include red meat, meat products, fish, poultry, mushrooms, legumes, asparagus, and cauliflower. To maintain normal uric acid levels, limit the consumption of  mentioned products.

  1. Consumption of celery.

During gout, this beneficial vegetable should be consumed every day. It stimulates the process of blood purification from toxins, breakdown products, cholesterol, binds uric acid molecules, and removes them with urine. Celery is indispensable for obesity, atherosclerosis and it protects vessels from crystal deposits on the walls. Add it to soups, salads, vegetable stews, prepare fresh smoothies for breakfast.

  1. Don’t Forget about Berries and Fruits.

Fruits and berries, as many of them have diuretic properties, can eliminate excess fluid, dissolved toxins, and uric acid salts from the body. One of the most useful berries is strawberry, as it has many beneficial properties that alleviate the course of the disease. Strawberries have a favorable effect on the entire body. They contain many vitamins A, C, E, group B, as well as copper, iron, zinc, and antioxidants.

In gout, strawberries help reduce joint swelling. Salicylic acid, found in its berries, reduces inflammation, relieving pain and making the joints more mobile. Moreover, thanks to consumption of colour fragrant and tasty berries, enhances the production of endorphins in the body, improves mood, and quality of life.

However, it is essential to remember that excessive removal of uric acid can lead to gout exacerbation. Therefore, doctors advise not to overuse berries, but to eat no more than one cup of strawberries per meal (with three ones a day). However, since not everyone can grow berries, it is necessary to buy them from trusted vendors or select them properly at the market. Berries should be dense, not crumpled, uniform in color, and must have a pleasant aroma. Because berries, which were grown with the use of a large amount of chemicals can be harmful to the body.

Also, remember that only consuming beneficial foods cannot stop the disease. It is important to consult a doctor and start treatment (such as Allopurinol-Apotex or Probenecid-AFT) promptly.