
6 recommendations to help reduce fever during a cold

  1. Walks in fresh air.

If you do not have severe chills or a high fever, short walks outside can naturally help to lower your temperature. Since they help normalize heat exchange and saturate every cell in the body with oxygen, which is beneficial for faster recovery and a return to the usual rhythm of life. Additionally, light physical activity stimulates sweating, helping the body naturally release excess heat. The key is not to overstrain yourself, avoid strong wind and cold and dress appropriately for the weather.

  1. Breathing practices.

Performing proper breathing techniques during colds significantly improves blood circulation and helps reduce temperature more quickly. One effective technique is deep breathing through the nose with a slow exhale, which helps activate the body’s natural thermoregulation mechanisms. Such exercises calm the nervous system, helping to relieve symptoms of overheating and ease the recovery process. Therefore, by performing simple breathing exercises, you can not only reduce the temperature, but also significantly improve your well-being during a cold.

  1. Taking necessary medications.

As studies show, there are people who do not want to take medicine for any symptoms of a cold. But this is not the right decision, because if the body overheats, it can cause a significant deterioration in health. In such cases, medicines such as paracetamol (for example Panadol) or ibuprofen (for example Brufen) help not only to reduce the fever, but also to ease the course of the disease. In addition, when all of your vitals are normal, you will be able to get enough sleep, which is very important for a speedy recovery. However, it is worth remembering that any medication should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor to avoid harming your body.

  1. Maintain emotional stability.

Maintaining emotional stability during a cold is just as important as physical self-care. When you’re sick, your body is under stress, and any negative emotions can significantly worsen your condition. By maintaining emotional stability and staying calm, the body can more easily cope with the infection. A calm state also improves the quality of sleep, which is vital for restoring energy and fighting the illness. In addition, controlling emotions helps adjust the body’s heat exchanger, which is very important in this condition. Because when a person is nervous, it can cause a feeling of heat or chills. Therefore, it is better to spend time watching comedy or drawing during the illness or find something else that distracts you from negative thoughts.

  1. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables.

Eating fresh fruit and vegetables during a cold is one of the best ways to support your body in fighting the raised temperature. For example, include apples, berries, carrots, broccoli and sweet potatoes in your daily diet, as these products are powerful natural immunomodulators. Additionally, fresh products contain a lot of water, which is important for the body during a cold. Because they have a sufficient amount of fluid, they help to eliminate toxins, improves kidney and liver function, which contributes to faster recovery. Therefore, find quick and easy recipes that you can prepare without much effort and nourish your body with everything it needs for faster healing.

  1. Wear comfortable clothing that does not overheat the body.

When you have all the symptoms of a cold, it is important to wear comfortable clothing that does not overheat the body. Excessive heat only increases the strain on the body, causing it to spend more energy regulating the temperature. This is why it’s important to choose clothes made of light fabrics such as cotton or linen, which prevent excess heat from being trapped. Too warm or tight clothes can cause your body to overheat and it will be harder to lower your temperature even with medication or other methods. It’s better to choose clothes that do not retain heat but help it escape, allowing the body to cool down naturally. Comfortable clothing ensures comfort and helps you get rid of unpleasant symptoms faster, helping you feel better.