
7 recommendations for the prevention of Parkinson’s disease

  1. Constantly learn something new.

When we learn something new, it stimulates the functioning of brain cells and keeps it healthy and young. For example, traveling to an unfamiliar city will help the brain stay young, forming new cellular connections.

Learning about anything is good for mental health: reading textbooks, research, and even regular everyday articles. Learning something new is especially important in adulthood, when more effort is needed to maintain mental health. If you stay active and perform new tasks regularly, you stimulate and maintain memory. Enroll in a foreign language course, solve crossword puzzles, find a new hobby or go on a long journey.

  1. Allow your brain to rest.

When a movie, lecture or book gives you a lot of information to think about, give yourself a little rest and a little distraction. Scientists have found that mental rest helps to better absorb new information. New information activates certain areas in the brain, and during rest, brain activity will increase.

  1. Higher education.

The longer you study, the less likely you are to have dementia.

The researchers studied the brains of 872 people and found that each year of university reduces the risk of dementia by 11 percent.

  1. Healthy eating.

A balanced diet rich in omega-3 vitamins and fatty acids helps reduce the risk of dementia.

  1. Get enough sleep.

Studies show that sleep deprivation causes the brain to stop working at full capacity. The efficiency of the brain decreases, and you absorb no more than 40 percent of the information. This means that you will need twice as much time to understand and memorize the same amount of information.

  1. Walk to get rid of negative thoughts.

Our life is formed by our thinking with all its features that arise under the influence of various factors. Over time, the positive begins to diminish, especially when people pay a lot of attention to tasks that cannot always be solved. Thoughts about wrong choices, actions, mistakes, unattainable goals begin to appear. The power of negative thinking is great. And the more failures and bad thoughts, the faster negative thinking develops.

Bad thoughts destroy the nervous system, which regulates emotions, feelings and memory. If you look at people who think negatively, you can see that they are sick more often. Negative also affects the state of mind.

  1. Learn to control your breathing.

Exercise not only improves fitness, but is also good for the brain. By straining your body, you also develop mental strength and endurance. For example, when you do heavy asanas in yoga, you learn to respond better to stress. Focusing on and controlling your breathing is also helpful for responding properly to complex daily situations.

  1. Spend less time at the computer.

Prolonged spending time at the computer can overload the frontal lobe of the brain, which processes the process of selection and problem solving

Also, be sure to see your doctor regularly. If you are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, your doctor will prescribe medication (such as Pramipex or Ropin) in a timely manner to prevent further development of the disease.