How does food affect human behavior

How does food affect human behavior?

The food we eat is not only energy for our bodies, but also nourishment for our minds. Why does one food make us feel energetic and happy, while another provokes depression and nervousness?

  1. The power of association.

Each person has certain “emotional” preferences for food, because we associate it with events that happened to us before. Foods that we ate in childhood can bring back memories of that time. The aroma of dishes cooked by mother reminds of pleasant moments with my family! Also, some holidays are associated with certain food, for example, traditional Christmas dinner, birthday cake, Halloween sweets.

  1. Serotonin and simple carbohydrates.

Food entering the body can change the ratio of chemical compounds in the brain. For example, many substances in foods are precursors of neurotransmitters, which are considered chemical messengers that carry information between cells in the brain. The amount of precursors in food affects the amount of neurotransmitter available to brain cells.

But the most interesting thing is that a person’s mood depends on the work of the important neurotransmitter serotonin, the amount of which affects well-being. The lower it is, the more often we experience stress, anger and depression. It is also known that thanks to carbohydrates, the amino acid tryptophan is also converted into serotonin, which is important for increasing its amount in the brain. Thanks to this, a person feels focused, calm and kind.

Eat: bread, pasta, eggs, chocolate.

  1. Proteins promote alertness.

During the digestion process, proteins are split into components – amino acids. One of these organic substances, tyrosine, increases the production of dopamine and adrenaline. These biological chemicals are responsible for cheerfulness and energy.

Eat: fish, meat, eggs.

  1. Drink coffee.

Despite the large amount of negative information about coffee, small doses of caffeine work well as an antidepressant. The main thing is not to overdo it. Experts recommend 1-2 cups of this drink per day!

  1. Fatty acids, folic acid and selenium help fight depression.

Adequate consumption of folic acid has a positive effect not only on the reproductive system, but also on the mood. Eating foods rich in this substance helps to prevent or get rid of mild depression.

Eat: spinach, leafy greens.

Selenium also helps to get rid of depression and anxiety. Products rich in it contribute to the normalization of mood.

Eat: Brazil nuts, seeds, tuna and whole grains.

Fatty acids are important for the functioning of nerve cells. Eat: salmon, herring, mackerel.

But remember, if you notice symptoms of depression in yourself, first of all consult a doctor and take antidepressants (for example, Apo-Moclobemide or Arrow-Amitriptyline), because this is a serious and dangerous disease that significantly affects the quality of life. These drugs can prevent symptoms associated with this condition including anxiety, insomnia, or feelings of guilt or worthlessness.