weight loss

6 people who can ruin your weight loss efforts

You are trying to lose weight, and you expect the people around you to support you. At the same time, you never thought that there are many people around you who can destroy your weight loss efforts. Here is a list of people who should be warned that you want to lose weight.

A friend who is a foodie

You go to a restaurant together and he/she keeps praising the amazing and famous dishes that you will surely like. He/she is a famous foodie and can describe delicacies in such a way that you want to eat them at the same minute. And in this case, you will eat more calories than you originally planned. If you really want to lose weight, honestly tell your friend that you are trying to lose weight and his behavior is not helping you.

Sports fan

Pizza, fried chicken wings, hot dogs, beer, chips – this is a typical diet of sports fans, regardless of whether you go to the stadium, cheer for your favorite team in a bar or watch the game at home in front of the TV. It is very difficult to follow a diet and lose weight in the company of friends who are fans. If you spend time with such people, focus on the fact that you can only eat a small portion of chips or fries, thereby reducing the consumption of excess calories to a minimum.

A friend from the gym

Of course, you train together and support each other, so you don’t even think to protest when he buys you both a protein shake as a reward for your efforts. However, you probably don’t realize that there are 200-300 calories in such a drink, which you don’t need at all. Before going to the gym, it is advisable to eat in advance to avoid eating snacks or some goodies.


This situation is probably familiar to everyone – mother or grandmother invites you to Sunday lunch or they themselves visit you, and immediately put aromatic roast and biscuit on the table. You know that if you refuse, mother/grandmother will be very offended and will think that she has prepared dishes that are not tasty. Therefore, eat small portions of each meal. Your relative will be pleased, especially if you compliment a piece of meat or pie.

Party lovers

A party with friends is definitely a great way to relax, but on the other hand, it is difficult to find an event where you will get so many extra calories. For example, three cocktails are approximately an additional 500 kilocalories. When you’re going to a party, drink lower-calorie drinks, such as half a glass of white wine.

Business partner

If your job requires business lunches and dinners, then there are definitely hundreds of extra calories in your diet. It is unlikely that you will be able to refuse the order and just watch how your business partner enjoys the food. In addition, portions in restaurants are often quite large and high in calories. If you want to minimize your calorie intake, go to business lunches and dinners and order only low-calorie foods such as salad or fish. Also, you can take Orligal or Vyfat. These drugs prevent the absorption of dietary fat into the body.