
Which vitamins are needed for the eyes when dealing with glaucoma?

Vitamins can slow down pathological processes in glaucoma. They support vascular tone, prevent retinal cell damage and improve trophic functions. Let’s examine the main biologically active substances that are beneficial for this condition:

  • Vitamin B.

Deficiency in vitamin B1 can lead to decreased visual acuity and increased intraocular pressure. Sources of thiamine (B1) are trout, tuna, salmon, mackerel, sunflower seeds, nuts (pistachios, cashews, macadamia nut), beans, green peas, and others.

Vitamin B2 helps alleviate light sensitivity, improve night vision and protect the retina from ultraviolet rays. Riboflavin, found in yeast, almonds and eggs, strengthens capillaries and enhances eye pupils’ function. However, ophthalmologists recommend not consuming more than one egg per day.

The water-soluble biologically active substance B6 reduces eye muscle tension and helps transmit information from the retina to the brain. It can be obtained from pistachios, seeds, wheat bran. Smaller amount of this vitamin are present in fish, cereals, grains and legumes.

Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 improves overall vision. A deficiency of it can adversely affect the optic nerve’s function, potentially leading to loss of vision if it is untreated.

  • Vitamin C.

Vitamin C protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and normalizes their blood supply. It is also an antioxidant, which helps reduce oxidative stress on the eyes. Therefore, it is very important to include products such as lime, lemon and orange in your diet.

You can replenish vitamin deficiencies by taking multivitamins. It is better to choose medications in tablet or drop form, as they are more likely to achieve the desired result. Consult a specialist who will select an appropriate supplement, which, in addition to the aforementioned vitamins, may include magnesium, selenium, copper, chromium, calcium, and lutein. Each of these elements contributes to improving the function of the visual system. For example, copper and zinc regulate metabolic processes, while lutein and zeaxanthin neutralize the effects of UV rays on retinal cells. The convenience of using vitamins in the form of tablets or drops allows the body to be energized without the need to consume additional food. It is also recommended to use Ginkgo biloba, which effectively combats aging processes in the body.

In case of glaucoma, it is also important to choose the right eye drops (for example, Combigan, Azopt). Depending on the type of the disease, different medications may be prescribed. By following the treatment regimen, the disease will not progress. Without effective treatment, the retina and optic nerve can be damaged. As a result, visual signals may stop reaching the brain.