
How balanced nutrition affects a woman’s body during menopause?

Usually, the body’s restructuring brings about a host of various unpleasant sensations and health problems. The main symptoms of this period include frequent headaches, rapid fatigue, increased sweating, dizziness, general weakness and irritability. Additionally, after the age of 50, there is a decrease in the activation of biochemical reactions and metabolic processes in the female body, blood composition deteriorates and there is a tendency towards weight gain. During menopause, specialists often diagnose hypovitaminosis or a deficiency in essential minerals, resulting in poor functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Generally, a deficiency in essential nutrients after the age of 50 is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • memory loss, decreased hearing and vision, joint pain,
  • hair brittleness and loss,
  • brittle and peeling nails,
  • tooth loss,
  • loss of skin elasticity and firmness.

As a result of these symptoms, a woman’s quality of life significantly decreases and her psychological state worsens with manifestations of depression, self-doubt and irritability. To reduce unpleasant symptoms and maintain beauty for years to come, a proper and balanced diet is essential. Here are some recommendations to follow for good well-being:

  • To prevent weight gain, the diet should be lower in calories. Since the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases during this period, it is important to include food with lipotropic effects in your diet. Such foods include lean fish and vegetable oils.
  • Maintain proper hydration. To keep the body’s water balance, it is essential to drink fluids as often as possible. Plain water is considered the best in this regard. The optimal daily water intake should be between 8 to10 glasses.

Following these recommendations will help a woman maintain her health, stay attractive and improve her psychological state for a long time. Overall, proper nutrition during menopause is no different from regular healthy eating. It is important to have a varied diet and consume beneficial food such as:

  • Herbs.

Dill, cilantro, parsley and basil enrich the female body with a large amount of vitamins, help prevent wrinkles and make the skin firm and elastic.

  • Kefir.

Fermented dairy products help improve digestion and avoid issues such as constipation and diarrhea.

  • Corn.

Its high calcium contents positively impact dental health.

  • Vegetables.

It is especially beneficial to consume red-colored vegetables, as they contain vitamin A. This substance helps eliminate wrinkles and improve vision. Therefore, it is important for women to include beets, pumpkin, bell peppers, carrots and tomatoes in their daily diet.

  • Vegetable Oils (flaxseed, sunflower and olive oils).

The presence of fatty acids and vitamin E in these products helps maintain healthy skin and strengthens blood vessels.

  • Oat and buckwheat porridge.

Oatmeal has rejuvenating effects, while buckwheat contains rutin, which helps prevent varicose veins.

To improve your well-being during this period, it is recommended taking medications such as Progynova or Premarin, which help prevent hot flashes and other symptoms. Additionally, using the Estradot patch can be beneficial, as it lowers estrogen levels, which helps to reduce the occurrence of these discomforting symptoms.