Growth Hormone

About Growth Hormone

A too low level of growth hormone (HGH) affects the amount of fat tissue, especially in the abdominal area, contributing to cellulite, excessive weight, and susceptibility to swelling. Its deficiency leads to premature aging, numerous fine wrinkles, skin becomes thin and “parchment-like” – not very elastic, thin, and weak. Other symptoms of deficiency are drooping eyelids and cheeks, puffiness, thickening of the knees, inflexible palms, and skin folds on the back. Men also tend to have poorly developed muscles and enlarged breast.

A low level of HGH contributes to feelings of fatigue (including in the morning, even after a long night’s rest), as well as fibromyalgia and anxiety. According to exploration, people who suffer from chronic fatigue, regardless of age, usually have a deficiency of this hormone. There is also an increased risk of developing osteoporosis, cardiovascular, rheumatic, and metabolic problems. These facts mean accelerated aging and a shortened lifespan.

How to increase its production?

According to research, increasing HGH largely depends on diet, daily moderate physical activity, and exposure to the sun (vitamin D). If you are deficient in D vitamin, take Alpha D3.

The daily diet should contain the appropriate amount of calories depending on the needs, including plenty of protein, products that stimulate serotonin secretion, melatonin.

A suitable type of nutrition is the paleo diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and eggs. Products which specifically increasing HGH levels include pineapple, coconut oil, beef, green beans, raspberries, oats.

Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, vinegar, flour, and dairy products block the absorption of substances from ingredients necessary for the production of growth hormone. Instead of that, arginine, lysine, niacin, vitamin PP, glutamines, tryptophan with vitamin B6, vitamin C (Gold-Vit C 1000 Forte) are very useful.

Growth hormone rejuvenates

A person who does not feel a deficiency in the hormone fully enjoys life, has a lot of energy, productivity, and his body is able to be active after only 5-6 hours of rest. He has enthusiasm in work, feels his potential, is ambitious, sets goals and tasks for himself, has the strength to achieve them.

A person with the right level of HGH is an ideal boss – dynamic, logical, enterprising, decisive, straightforward in decision-making, skillfully sets priorities, finds effective solutions to problems, is not a victim of stress. He logically communicates, is not aggressive or relaxed, person is confident, he needn’t to prove anything to anyone, and at the same time, he can be sensitive. Person’s inner peace tones the surroundings.