Many people with ailments try to combine treatment with natural medicines with traditional methods of treatment. In this article, we will consider the recipes of both the most famous folk remedies and those that you …
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4 main causes of osteoporosis and methods of their prevention
Heredity If your parents have suffered from problems with the musculoskeletal system, you have an increased risk of such problems. Therefore, do not wait for the manifestations of a dangerous disease, and add to your …
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Most modern people experience back pain from adolescence. Such problems most often occur due to spinal deformities in people with a sedentary lifestyle and who do not follow the rules of a balanced diet. Pain …
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Human metabolism functions in such a way that the absorption of some nutrients (including collagen) is impossible without the presence of other special substances in the diet. To improve your arthritis diet, try to balance …
RA is a rather serious disease, which is just a few years can turn a completely healthy person in an invalid. It is known that rheumatoid arthritis belongs to the category of autoimmune diseases. It …
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Gout is a complex disease that disturbs the metabolism, affects the genitourinary system, the kidneys and joints. Disease in the joints appears as depositing salts of uric acid. Salt can accumulate in the skin, forming …
Continue readingArthritis: definition, causes, symptoms, and treatment
The limitation of motor activity has a very serious impact on the quality of life. It is impossible to work in the former mode, rest. Many actions become inaccessible or limited. One of the diseases …
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