Maintain cleanliness in the home. Dust, dirt, and polluted air can worsen lung condition, as small dust particles and allergens can irritate the airways, making recovery more difficult. In addition, maintaining cleanliness helps improve air …
Continue readingCategory: Infection
5 symptoms you should not ignore during a cold
Severe cough. Such a cough exhausts the body and can lead to breathing problems, so don’t wait until the condition significantly worsens—seek qualified medical help. Since an excessively intense cough that is not treated in …
Continue reading6 myths about the herpes virus
Myth 1. Caesarean section is always performed in case of herpes. It will be necessary if there is a herpes relapse and rash on the genitals at the time of childbirth. Women with genital herpes …
Continue reading3 the most dangerous complications of chickenpox
There is a widespread myth that chickenpox is a mild illness that passes without consequences. In individuals who have transferred primary infection, the virus remains dormant in the cells of the spinal ganglia and cranial …
Continue readingTop 5 skin care tips for those over 30
Skin care from the age of 30 becomes mandatory, especially if before that you did not take care of your skin, but only sometimes just wash your face with soap. After 30 years, when the …
Continue readingHow to treat boils on the face at home
In fact, a boil is not only an aesthetic problem. Such a pimple that appeared on your face can be very dangerous. The infection from the focus of inflammation of the furuncle can be transferred …
Continue readingNormal gait is beauty and health
A slim figure, a well-groomed appearance, a beautiful face – all this is absolutely necessary for every woman. But a person will be truly attractive if he has a good gait. It is very important …
Continue readingFoot care
Everyone wants to look beautiful and attractive at any age and at any time of the year. But cracked heels and rough skin will not look attractive in any way, so if you regularly face …
Continue readingMuscle pain in women – how to solve the problem
Every modern woman knows the rules and principles of beauty, a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy diet. This is a positive trend. However, few women pay enough attention to their muscles. As a result, many …
Continue readingCorrect medication intake
Quite often, people take medicines incorrectly. For example, sometimes patients take too much or too little dose of the drug or do not take it on time. Also, many people take several medicines at the …
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