According to statistics, about 4.5 million families face the problem of infertility every year, and there are many reasons for childlessness, but the main ones are only four.
Anovulatory cycle.
Most common cause of infertility is a violation of the maturation and release of the egg. According to gynecologists, the reason for the absence of ovulation can be stress, hormonal imbalance, a recent infection, or polycystic ovary disease. Most often, the ovulatory cycle accompanied by irregular menstruation, although there are times when a woman is unaware of her problems. If absence of ovulation is suspected, it is recommended to measure the basal temperature (for two or three cycles), as well as the analysis for sex hormones and ultrasound. By establishing the cause of the anovulatory cycle and treating the disease that led to such consequences, it is possible to restore ovulation, which in turn increases the chances of pregnancy several times.
Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
Adnexitis, chlamydiosis, endometriosis, abortions – all these factors affect the patency of the tubes, since the adhesions resulting from an inflammatory process narrow the cavity of the tubes, making them blocked. As a result, a mature egg and a healthy sperm cell may not meet. And you probably guessed that without this conception will not occur. The gynecologist usually prescribes many studies, among which the most informative is hystersalpingography (a study during which a contrast agent injected into the uterus, then make an X-ray, which clearly shows the uterine cavity and the lumen of the tubes). A lot depends on the results of this analysis, but not everything. Fortunately, obstruction of tubes is a fixable situation. Modern technologies allow restore the patency of the fallopian tubes using hydrotubation and plastic surgery.
Uterine pathology.
The condition of the uterus, its structure, birth defects, as well as inflammatory changes in the endometrium, has a huge impact on the ability to get pregnant and bear a child. Fibroids, polyps, scars on the walls of the uterus resulting from childbirth, surgery or abortion – all these changes can also affect a woman’s ability to conceive. Hysteroscopy will help to assess the state of the uterus. This is a study during which an optical device inserted into the uterine cavity, which allows examining the walls of this organ, assessing the state of the epithelium, detecting neoplasms and other pathologies that prevent conception. If tumors (polyps, fibroids, and fibroids) are found, your doctor will likely recommend that they be removed surgically. After this, a course of hormone replacement therapy usually carried out, the task of which is to restore the normal hormonal background of a woman, and you can again try to conceive a child.
Immunological incompatibility.
In 15% of infertile couples, doctors diagnose immunological incompatibility, ie a woman’s immune system reacts too actively to a partner’s semen. Why this happens? Doctors do not know, but the fact remains: in some cases, when sperm enters the vagina, the female body begins to produce specific antibodies that change the composition of cervical mucus. As a result, it becomes too viscous, and the sperm quickly lose their mobility.