
How social phobia manifests itself

Social phobia is often called the “disease of missed opportunities.” With this phobia, a person overwhelmed with fear, he makes fateful decisions, adapting them to the problem. This disorder is diverse in its manifestations.

The main symptom of social phobia is avoiding contact with people. In this state, a person begins to be afraid and avoid any circumstances that cause him anxiety.

Behavioral manifestations of social phobia:

  • psychological stress, such as stupor in society;
  • desire to run away, hide;
  • extreme awkwardness in communication;
  • inability to look into the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • avoid any contact with people.

Cognitive manifestations of social phobia:

  • impaired concentration;
  • inability to control thoughts;
  • feeling of “emptiness” in the head;
  • focus on yourself, your behavior;
  • excessive demands on yourself;
  • constant “game” situations.

Psychological manifestations of social phobia:

  • trembling knees;
  • tremor of the extremities;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • profuse sweating;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • heart rate acceleration.

Emotional manifestations of social phobia:

  • nervousness and irritability;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • unreasonable tearfulness;
  • panic at the thought of what others think of the person.

A person suffering from social phobia is very critical and demanding of his personality. He tries to look like a well-mannered, intelligent, educated person. But he is convinced that he will definitely fail, and others will think badly of him.

Often, in anticipation of a stressful situation, a person with a social phobia persistently fantasizes about how all his plans will collapse. He thinks what to do in this case, and thinks of ways to develop events. Even in ordinary conversations, he “feels” contempt in the tone of the interlocutor. At the end of an anxious situation, the person becomes fascinated by the thought that his actions were wrong and ridiculous. The sociophobe conducts this kind of introspection every day, and these thoughts do not leave him even at night, not allowing him to fall asleep.

A person suffering from social phobia is afraid of criticism and condemnation. He is worried and afraid to speak in the presence of colleagues, partners and leaders. The sociophobe feels very uncomfortable during routine medical examinations. Pathological fear forces a person to behave absurdly and unnaturally, to talk nonsense and absurdity. When a stranger appears in public, he tries to keep his distance. A person with a social phobia may leave the audience without explanation. Often a person with a social phobia begins to lie and tell false stories. The fact that a person is scared can be seen from the crossed arms on his chest, a tired look, eyes looking down, a bright red blush on his face. After contact with people, the patient suffers from his behavior for a long time.

If you notice signs of sociophobia, be sure to see a doctor. Timely treatment (Flunil, Prozac) will help to get rid of this pathology easily and quickly!