Dandruff (seborrhea) is a syndrome caused by disorders of the sebaceous glands and changes in the chemical composition of sebum. The most common reasons are: changes in metabolism; endocrine problems; problems of the nervous and …
Continue readingPrevention of coronavirus infection for people over 60
A new coronavirus infection is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one if they come into close contact (for example, person sneezes or coughs next to you or when droplets of mucus from …
Continue readingRecommendations that will help to avoid complications of bronchitis and recurrence of the disease
Bronchitis is one of the most common ailments of the human. Various irritants can worsen your health. A high danger is the recurrence of the disease. To avoid complications after bronchitis and recurrent illness, it …
Continue readingHand eczema: causes, symptoms and types
Eczema is a chronic skin pathology that manifests in the form of foci of inflammation in the hands. For the first time, eczema occurs in an acute form, but with an untimely visit to a …
Continue readingSeven nutritional rules for osteoporosis
Add to the diet foods containing vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D and calcium are essential for the osteoporosis patient. The diet should include sesame seeds, tahini (tahini halva, hummus), eggs, cheese, and dates. Limit …
Continue readingFour causes of infertility
According to statistics, about 4.5 million families face the problem of infertility every year, and there are many reasons for childlessness, but the main ones are only four. Anovulatory cycle. Most common cause of infertility …
Continue readingSix rules for a patient with arterial hypertension
Follow the principles of good nutrition. It is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt to 5 g (a teaspoon without top) and an increase the consumption of potassium salts to 5-6 g (raisins, …
Continue readingSeven ways to prevent vaginal candidiasis (thrush)
Anything can be the cause of this disease: from an improperly selected diet to severe stress. Most women have vaginal yeast – this is normal. They are not harmful in themselves, but, due to some …
Continue reading13 ways to get rid of depressive thoughts
Meditate. Meditation stimulates the production of serotonin and norepinephrine. Low levels of these two important neurotransmitters cause feelings of sadness. Regular meditation can help calm negative thoughts, see the beauty of the world around you, …
Continue readingIrritable gut: how our thoughts affect our health
Every day we face many unpleasant situations – traffic jams, a crowd in the subway, problems at work. As a result, our body is constantly under stress. Any stress in the body is immediately reflected …
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