Metabolism is one of the most complex processes in the human body and one of the most popular topics for discussion. Therefore, there are many claims about metabolism, the truth of which has been proven …
Continue readingHow to get rid of calluses and corns?
New rubber – for the car, new shoes – for your feet! It is a very good idea. But if with the car wheels do not occur problems from such change, then the legs, on …
Continue readingHow to get rid of seasonal allergy?
Summer is associated with warmth and flowering. But if someone admires it, there is a certain group of people for whom all these leaves, flowers and other summer delights are allergic! And not in a …
Continue readingMedications that you need to take on vacation
When we are going to vacation, we think about many things: how to choose a swimsuit, take a panama or a cap, where to buy an inflatable circle for a kid, with whom to leave …
Continue readingCauses and methods of treating the problem of hair loss
Hair loss is one of the main and most common problems of humanity. Loss, as well as growth, is absolutely natural processes of an organism. There is a daily norm of hair loss – 60-100 …
Continue readingCancer of the mouth
Cancer of the oral cavity is a malignant neoplasm that occurs from the epithelium and soft tissues of the oral cavity. In the early stages, pathology proceeds asymptomatic, anatomically it is a node or ulcers. …
RA is a rather serious disease, which is just a few years can turn a completely healthy person in an invalid. It is known that rheumatoid arthritis belongs to the category of autoimmune diseases. It …
Continue readingBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
BPH is the expansion of the glandular tissue and the stroma of the prostate, which leads to an increase in the organ. Prostate adenoma causes urinary disorders: a weak urine jet, frequent or nightly urination, …
Continue readingHepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a viral disease that is accompanied by liver damage. The causative agent is the hepatitis B virus. The course can take a variety of forms: from virus persistence to progressive severe disease. …
Continue readingType 2 diabetes
The second type (insulin independent diabetes mellitus) is characterized by increased or normal production of insulin hormones, but in this case, the problem is that the cells of the body do not perceive it, and …
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