The balance of microelements primarily influence on the health of joints. For example, many people know that dairy products are beneficial for joints and cartilage. However, the stomach secretes a lot of acid to digest …
Continue reading5 natural ways to reduce uric acid levels in gout
Include barley in your diet. This beneficial grain is used for kidney cleansing and preventing kidney dysfunction. Note that barley is not medicine but just a supplement alongside other methods to support optimal kidney function. …
Continue reading4 useful products for preventing osteoporosis in women
Zucchini. Zucchini is one of the most versatile and popular vegetables available worldwide. Various types of zucchinis can improve eye, skin, heart, bones health, immune system, and even reduce the risk of certain types of …
Continue reading6 myths about the herpes virus
Myth 1. Caesarean section is always performed in case of herpes. It will be necessary if there is a herpes relapse and rash on the genitals at the time of childbirth. Women with genital herpes …
Continue reading3 the most dangerous complications of chickenpox
There is a widespread myth that chickenpox is a mild illness that passes without consequences. In individuals who have transferred primary infection, the virus remains dormant in the cells of the spinal ganglia and cranial …
Continue readingDiets: To Follow or Not to Follow?
What are diets and what are they for? For many people, a diet is an integral part of their lives. Women of various ages usually take their weight very seriously, some of them want to …
Continue readingAbout Growth Hormone
A too low level of growth hormone (HGH) affects the amount of fat tissue, especially in the abdominal area, contributing to cellulite, excessive weight, and susceptibility to swelling. Its deficiency leads to premature aging, numerous …
Continue readingHow to Lose Weight in 1 Week?
Surprisingly, there are indeed ways to lose weight in a week. However, it’s essential to approach this matter responsibly and without excessive zeal. Do not follow diets where the calorie intake is less than 1000-1200 …
Continue readingKnee pads – the best protection and support for the joint
The mobility of the lower limb depends on the condition of the knee joint, so it is important to relate to it carefully, and in case of damage, take immediate action. For this goal, orthopedic …
Continue readingChoosing a deodorant without harming the body
Sweating is a natural process for humans, and sweat has no smell. However, during the day, bacteria is joining to it, the consequence of such union is an unpleasant “aroma”. Producers of cosmetics and perfumes …
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