
Possible consequences of prolonged diarrhea in adults

  1. Dehydration.

As a rule, about 9 liters of fluid per day is excreted into the intestinal lumen, and only 2-3 liters of them come with drinks and food. Helping to digest food along with nutrients, all this fluid is absorbed back into the large intestine and in small amounts in the small intestine. Only 100-150 ml per day is excreted together with feces. With diarrhea, depending on its severity, the fluid entering the intestine is lost through the inflamed mucous membrane. If the intestinal disorder is not eliminated in time, dehydration will increase due to malabsorption. Without enough fluid in the body, all organs and systems begin to suffer. As a result, weakness, fatigue, apathy develop, blood pressure decreases and the pulse increases.

  1. Loss of trace elements.

Along with fluid, vital trace elements are excreted, which are involved in all metabolic processes in the body. Their deficiency exacerbates all those disorders that have developed against the background of dehydration. In most cases, diarrhea lasts for several days and does not cause serious disorders in the body. But sometimes it takes a long time, it can take several weeks.

  1. Malnutrition.

It is more common in young children. This is a condition in which nutrients are not absorbed or excessively excreted from the body. As a result, a deficit of energy is created and the protective functions of the body are reduced, due to which the manifestations of intestinal disorders may increase.

Malnutrition in adults reduces efficiency, mental and physical activity. Any action causes discomfort, the rhythm of life becomes passive.

  1. Disruption of normal bowel function.

The intestine is home to a large population of beneficial microorganisms – lacto- and bifidobacteria. They provide local protection and participate in the formation of general immunity. They successfully deal with several pathogens (microbes). But their strength is insufficient when a significant mass of pathogens enters the body at the same time. Infectious microorganisms continue to actively multiply and release toxins, which become the main cause of diarrhea. But even after its elimination, the healthy microflora is restored for a long time. This whole period is associated with unstable stools and abdominal discomfort.

With all the problems in the digestive system, first of all, you need to see a gastroenterologist. When diagnosing the disease and finding out the causes of diarrhea, the doctor analyzes the symptoms of diarrhea and conducts a medical examination. Consultation with an infectious disease specialist and surgeon is often required for a correct diagnosis.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe medication (Imodium, Rcifax) to successfully and effectively combat intestinal disorders. And given the fact that the causative agents of infectious diarrhea in most cases are known, initial therapy may be prescribed before the results of examinations.