
Simple ways to not get sick

  1. Go in for sports. Choose any kind of physical activity that you like – do exercises in the morning, run, play badminton, go to the pool – no matter what you do, the main thing is that it is good for your health and contributes to a good mood.
  2. Eat healthy foods. This does not mean that you should eat only cereals, dairy products and vegetables. Just try not to abuse foods that can worsen your health – fast food, fatty food, soda, etc. Also, train yourself to eat three healthy foods every day.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol. It can cause many adverse effects on your health. A few hours of intoxication are not worth the numerous risks associated with it. Alcoholic drinks can cause a lot of trouble, for example, alcoholism or cirrhosis of the liver. Sure, you can have a glass or two of champagne now and then, but don’t exceed that dose if you want to be healthy.
  4. Don’t smoke. The fact that smoking is one of the most dangerous habits has been proven for a long time and cannot be doubted, but many people continue to smoke and harm themselves and others. Don’t be too carefree. Do not think that terrible diseases caused by nicotine can occur in any other person, not only in you. Keep yourselves.
  5. Don’t be too hard on yourself. If you are tired, rest. A tired body is very prone to the development of diseases. As long as you are full of strength, your immunity is active and perfectly fights all viruses and infections.
  6. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a vital state for your entire body. During it, your strength is restored. Try to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day. If you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep, take sleeping pills such as Meloset 3 or Ramitax.
  7. Don’t forget to visit your doctor regularly for a check-up. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.
  8. Be outside more often, enjoy the sun and fresh air. The main thing is not to overdo it with sunbathing. If the sun shines very brightly, use a protective cream.
  9. Do not forget to take vitamins. Vitamins are helpers of most biochemical reactions in the human body. Therefore, their deficiency contributes to various disorders in the body. For example, a deficiency of vitamins A, C, D impairs the functioning of the immune system. Deficiency of B vitamins leads to nervous system problems.
  10. Don’t be bored. Boredom can lead to a mental state that negatively affects immunity. The functioning and interaction of various hormones is disturbed, as a result of which a large number of diseases can occur.
  11. Don’t stop learning new things. Acquiring new knowledge stimulates the development of neurons and the brain in general. It keeps the mind alert and helps brain cells communicate with each other.
  12. Be creative. It will be difficult for the brain to get bored or focus on something bad when it is busy with something new. This activates the nervous, humoral and immune systems, which, accordingly, protects against diseases.